Episode 1090: Today’s Ten Things That Make No Sense

Sebastian Shaw’s terrible clothes, Julia Hoffman’s ridiculous bossiness, and Barnabas Collins’ apparent sincerity. 

Episode 1090: Today’s Ten Things That Make No Sense

Episode 1091: You, the Living

In which I point out that Dark Shadows has kept a key plot point ambiguous for two and a half years, and lament the fact that, in this week of episodes, they resolved that ambiguity in favor of a narrative dead-end. 

Episode 1091: You, the Living

Episode 1119: Why Are We the Way We Are

In which certain performances lead me to surmise that actors were consulting videotapes of old episodes, and I wonder if that’s why the tapes of some famous episodes went missing. 

Episode 1119: Why Are We the Way We Are

Episode 1230: Mortal Engines

I propose some fanfic rebooting the 1841 PT themes and connecting them with other segments of the show.

Episode 1230: Mortal Engines